Autoinflammation Network e.V. (ANEV)
Autoinflammation Network e.V. (ANEV) is a non-profit association which provides affected persons and their families with information on the types, causes and treatment options for autoinflammatory syndromes.
The objective of ANEV and its members is to promote research in autoinflammatory syndromes and to improve the care offered to patients with this disease.

Dr. Anne Pankow
First Chairman

PD Dr. Tilmann Kallinich
Vice Chairman

Prof. Dr. Marcus Maurer

Dr. Hanna Bonnekoh
This is our team
Autoinflammation Network e.V. (ANEV, founded in 2011) and its members pursue the target of enhancing research into auto-inflammatory syndromes and the improvement of the care offered to patients with this clinical picture. We therefore promote projects, campaigns and research projects which investigate the causes and treatment of auto-inflammatory syndromes, or inform patients with auto-inflammatory syndromes about their disease.
Furthermore, we want to optimise the knowledge of these diseases in society and within the medical profession by providing information on current research results, by organising further education events or by interaction between each other and with international experts.
All activities of ANEV, including our websites www.autoinflammation net are financed by donations.
We would appreciate your supporting our work with donations in money or kind (tax-deductible). You can also become a sponsor/promoter!
ANEV needs your support.
We would be glad to talk with you on how you can help us.
Support us …
The Autoinflammation Network e.V. (ANEV) is a non-profit organisation that works on a non-profit basis. In order to be able to optimally continue and expand our work and to further advance research into autoinflammatory syndromes, we depend on your financial support.